THE DEATH OF APRIL Reviews and free to watch online



‘It should have remained a mystery’
The Death of April is a 2012 American found-footage horror film about a young woman who documents her paranormal via a video blog.

Written and directed by Ruben Rodriguez (Charlotte: The Return and many shorts). Produced by Humberto Guzman, Brit Godish, Mirna A. Orellana and Angel Rosa. Executive produced by Lucio Fernandez, Dan LeFante
and Cesar G. Orellana.

The MojoCreative Group production stars Amy Rutledge, Katarina Hughes, Stephanie Domini, Chelsea Clark, Adam Lowder, Collen Doyle, Lucio Fernandez, Leonel Ortega, Travis Peters, Paulina Grochala, Megan Hartig, RayMartell Moore and Nadia Jimenez.

Plot synopsis:
Meagan Mullen (Katarina Hughes), freshly moved into her new home, keeps in touch with her friends and family through a video blog. As her entries (and her life) become more complex and emotional, strange things begin to happen in her room: and the camera captures all of it. Told primarily from the point of view of an ordinary wireless webcam, The Death of April documents the unsettling activity in an otherwise average girl’s bedroom – and the mysteries that surround it…

“Given the nature of the film, you have to give the filmmakers props for what they’ve pulled off […] It’s a clever blending of found footage and a mockumentary. I understand how some might compare it to Paranormal Activity, but I was never a fan of that film and think this is better.” Fears magazine

“Although no found-footage landmark, The Death of April is better-acted than the horror subgenre is used to […] As writer and director, Ruben Rodriguez (The Portal) in particular nails the interstitial talking-head interviews, lending these portions a patina of authenticity similar movies struggle to fake.” Flick Attack

“The acting is passable I suppose and the story is OK. It starts slow and ends almost as slowly as it began. No shocks or scares and not even an ounce of suspense in the whole movie […] A good story and gripping atmosphere can lift a possible mediocre movie into the area of one of the best found-footage horror films. It’s a small group because most of them are garbage.” K.S. Gillihan

” …some of the shaky camera work in this movie was more distracting than anything else – but that said, for the most part the pseudo-documentary approach and the build-up of tension worked hand-in-hand quite beautifully – and to pretty haunting effect. And Katarina Hughes’ very natural performance carries the film really nicely…” Search My Trash

” …a film that’s well-made technically and not actually boring, but it’s not all that interesting either. It’s yet another of those films that are just sort of there, making The Death of April the video equivalent of background noise.” 2.5 out of 5, Voices from the Balcony




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