ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS Reviews and free to watch online


‘From the depths of the sea… a tidal wave of terror!’
Attack of the Crab Monsters is a 1957 American sci-fi horror film about scientists trapped on an island with giant super-intelligent crabs.

Produced and directed by Roger Corman from a screenplay written by Charles B. Griffith (A Bucket of Blood).

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A group of scientists lands on a remote island in the Pacific to search for a previous expedition that disappeared and to continue research on the effects of radiation from the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests on the island’s plant and sea life. They learn to their horror that the earlier group of scientists have been eaten by mutated giant crabs that have gained intelligence by absorbing the minds of their victims.

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Members of the current expedition are systematically attacked and killed by the crabs, which are invulnerable to most weaponry because of the mutation in their cell structure.


Finally, they discover the crabs are the cause of the earthquakes and landslides that are destroying the island. As the remaining expedition members struggle to survive on the ever-shrinking island, they must also find a way to stop the crabs before they reproduce…


“Unlike practically everything else of its time and type, it makes a good-faith effort to be scary, and Corman demonstrates a great deal of imagination in finding shortcuts and workarounds to make up for the money he didn’t have. It’s a pretty audacious move trying to make a film involving a disintegrating island on a $70,000 budget…” 1000 Misspent Hours and Counting

“There are a number of surprising, scary, and freaky moments. There are enticing underwater shots of fish and manta rays. There are numerous quotable lines, some purposely funny and others unconsciously so.” David Elroy Goldweber, Claws & Saucers

Crab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen, and Candy Stripe Nurses Roger Corman King of the B Movie

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“Strictly in the shrimp league, yet by being shoddy and laughable Corman creates an entertaining framework with Charles Griffith’s script. A charming niaveté is at work as monsters gobble up characters (some scenes are gruesome)…” John Stanley, Creature Features

“… (a) more ambitious production, it covers the methodical destruction and inundation of an entire island – all of which occurs off-screen. Charles B. Griffith’s screenplay keeps the story hopping for just over an hour but limits the show to a minimum of locations.” DVD Savant

The movie shows its low budget, particularly in the crabs themselves, which are highly unconvincing. But it certainly moves at a cracking pace.” Alan Frank, The Horror Film Handbook

how I made a hundred movies in hollywood and never lost a dime roger corman

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“The crab was built by a Hollywood special effects firm and looked quite realistic. It stretched about fifteen feet and was held together with wires. Ed Nelson, who went on to star in TV’s Peyton Place, made his acting debut inside the monster.” Roger Corman



Attack_of_crab_monsters-Not-of-This-Earth-posterattack of the crab monsters + not of this earth 1957 ad mat

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