THREE BLIND MICE Reviews of nursery rhyme horror – now free to watch on Tubi



Three Blind Mice is a 2023 British horror film loosely inspired by the seventeenth-century children’s nursery rhyme.

Directed and edited by Pierre B from a screenplay written by David Malcolm (shorts: Mannequins [2018]; Turn Off Your Bloody Phone: GialliPhone; Turn Off Your Bloody Phone: Yes/No). Produced by Scott Jeffrey and Rhys Frake-Waterfield.

The Dark Abyss Productions movie stars May Kelly, Lila Lasso, Karl Hughes, Lynne O’Sullivan, Keith Eyles, Samantha Cull, Julia Quayle, Danielle Ronald, Natasha Tosini, Marcus Massey and Helen Fullerton.

Abi (May Kelly) is forced to go cold turkey, her family have taken her to a cabin in the woods so she is away from the city. However, little do they know, that The Three Blind Mice is more than just a fairy tale. And they may be next up on the menu.


“While most (not all to be fair) projects with Scott Jeffrey’s name on them are rather turgid affairs, Three Blind Mice is actually pretty good. The human-sized killers might just be people in slightly dodgy latex masks but they’re served up quite creepily, and there’s also a rather sad backstory to their creation.” Dark Eyes of London

” …the glacial pace, the nonsensical abilities (or lack of depending upon who is in the scene) of the mice and an ending that goes on for far too long only to just end without any kind of fanfare or closure just makes for a boring, perplexing ride that had me wishing I was blind.” Haddonfield Horror

“Admittedly the blind mice themselves look like dodgy monsters from Tom Baker’s era as Doctor Who but so what! The game cast gives it 110%, the look of the film feels right and the occasional tilted camera angle, deliciously gory killings (check out that head-squishing scene courtesy of a mutant rodent’s booted foot) and short running time make up for a sound mix which plays a rough at the film’s start…” 7 out of 10, My Bloody Reviews


“While Three Blind Mice offers a unique and quirky blend of horror, some creative elements, and a peculiarly twisted concept, it often scurries too quickly from character development and narrative depth to embrace its more gruesome and chaotic side. The film’s exploration of addiction through the lens of a nursery rhyme may leave you scratching your head, but it’s undoubtedly a tail of its own making.” Nightmarish Conjurings

” …a film with a story like Three Blind Mice cannot be taken wholly seriously, for that it strains its suspension of disbelief a bit too much – but that said, it’s very good for what it is, a slightly silly but nevertheless highly effective horror movie, one with suspense and jump scares in all the right places, and with some pretty cool monsters.” Search My Trash


“There was obviously a bit of money spent on the effects, and the cast and crew do good jobs with what they have to work with, something that can’t be said for a lot of what he’s [Scott Jeffrey] churned out. If you just want some sort of creature feature, Three Blind Mice may do the job if you’re in the right mood. But it missed a chance to be something a bit different and a lot better.” ★★½ Voices from the Balcony


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In the US, Three Blind Mice was released on Digital and DVD by Uncork’d Entertainment on October 17, 2023.

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