CROCODILE ISLAND Reviews and US release details


Crocodile Island is a 2020 Chinese sci-fi horror film about some plane crash survivors trying to survive on an island of giant creatures.

Directed by Xu Shixing [Shixing Xu] (Monster’s Battlefield; Zombie Heroes: The Demon King and the Princess) and Simon Zhao (The Antarctic Octopus) from a screenplay written by Ni Minming (The Adventures of the Unsealed Demon). Produced by Lu Cici.

The movie stars Gallen Law, Yinyue Liao, Bingxiang Wang, Wei Dang, Xue’er Hu, Qiwei He, Zhao Zuo, Zhiyan Zhao, Jack Wayne and Bruce Alleyn.

The surrounding areas of the Devil’s Sea are also known as the Bermuda Triangle of Asia. Due to electromagnetic interference, aviation accidents are common in the region.

Lin Hao (Gallen Lo) and his daughter Yi (Liao Yinyue) are passengers of Flight GZ261. As it flies over the Devil’s Sea, the plane malfunctions, causing an emergency landing on a crocodile island.

Hao and other driving passengers encounter enormous-sized crocodiles and spiders and engage in a battle for survival. When Yi is captured by the giant beasts, Hao fights for his life to rescue her daughter…

US release:
Well Go USA Entertainment will release Crocodile Island on Digital and DVD on November 21, 2023.

“The problem with this is that even an enviable budget and a starry cast fail to hide these cliches; see the recent Skyfire for a perfect example of sound and fury signifying nothing. Crocodile Island cannot call on big-budget effects and so the story and characters have to be worth watching. Not that the effects are that bad though – they range from the passable to the dreadful.” Far East Films

“It’s surprisingly well-staged, and the effects for the arachnids are up to scratch. I particularly liked Hao whacking off the end of a spider’s leg, and then using it as a weapon against the, now understandably aggrieved, creature with 7¾ limbs. It goes some way to redeeming the terrible start, though as a whole, the film remains no more than workmanlike.” C+ Film Blitz

“Lacking the tension of serious croco-horrors like Crawl and the self-awareness of fun creature features like Alligator and Lake Placid, Crocodile Island feels like a real ‘also ran’ with nothing to make it stand out from your typical low budget ‘made for TV’ creature feature, other than the fact that it’s Chinese.” Geek Ireland


Crocodile Island is unlikely the kind of film that will set off any sort fire to the already cliché-filled genre, but the entertainment value and audience niche remains there. Gallen Lo makes good use of his star power to enhance the film’s credibility. Co-directors Xu Shixing and Simon Zhao keeps everything simple and never venture out of their comfort zone and in effect create a cheesy yet efficient monster disaster movie.” 6 out of 10, Neo Film Shop

” …an agreeably silly creature feature. Crocodile Island is pretty predictable and has some far fetched plot points, such as World War 2 guns that still fire perfectly after sitting around an island for 40 years. But in a film about giant creatures that’s really a minor detail.” Voices from the Balcony

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