DEVIL’S WHISPER Reviews and free on Freevee, Plex, Tubi and YouTube


‘Faith is not enough’
Devil’s Whisper is a 2017 American supernatural horror film about a teenage boy who aspires to be a priest. But he’s tormented by a demon intent on possessing him. Will his faith be enough to save his soul?

The movie was produced and directed by Adam Ripp from a screenplay by Oliver Robins (Celebrity Crush; child actor in original Poltergeist and sequel) and Paul Todisco, based on Ripp’s storyline.

The movie stars Luca Oriel, Tessie Santiago (The Cell 2), Alison Fernandez (Celebrity Ghost Stories), Marcos A. Ferraez, Violkys Bustamante, Benjamin A. Hoyt, Luna Maya, Julia Modesto, Olivia Negron, Jasper Polish, Rick Ravanello, Steven Shaw, Coy Stewart and Justin Tinucci.

Fifteen-year-old Alex Duran (Luca Oriel), who comes from a religious Latino family, aspires to one day become a Catholic priest. However, when Alex discovers a crucifix that belonged to his grandfather he unwittingly unleashes a demonic spirit bent on possessing him.

Alex must find a way to defeat this ancient demon, which has been tormenting children since the dawn of man before it destroys him and everyone he loves…

Devil’s Whisper is a moderately effective religious horror movie that could have benefited from a larger practical effects budget and some courage to really go for the scary cinematic […] The dialogue is corny and the filmmaking is nothing revolutionary, but the emotions are surprisingly genuine.” Film Pulse

“Technically, there’s nothing wrong with Devil’s Whisper. It looks good, the actors are pros and there are some genuinely good scares and an interesting monster. But it never makes its way past the standard devil movie/possession flick clichés (of which there are many). And in this day and age – over 40 years beyond The Exorcist – it’s time to find break some new ground.” Horrorfreak News

“The real problem for the film is in its horror genre elements. The jump scares don’t work very well, and bringing the film out of the psychological realm and into the physical would have made the film’s themes all the more effective. Another case of the need for practical effects in horror.” Film Pulse

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