FLAY Reviews and free on Plex and YouTube


Flay horror film about an estranged daughter struggling to save her brother from an evil faceless spirit after the death of their mother.

The movie was directed by digital effects creator Eric Pham (Sin City; Grindhouse) making his feature directorial debut) from a screenplay by Matthew Daley.

The Phame Factory production stars Violett Beane (Truth or Dare), Elle LaMont (Dead Still; Varsity Blood; From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series), A. Michael Baldwin (Phantasm)

Pham commented: “I’ve always been fascinated with ghost stories and the mythologies behind ghosts and spirits. I see Flay as a contemporary mashup of the Japanese legend of the Noppera-bo, or faceless ghost, and Native American legends.”

Returning home after the mysterious death of her mother, an estranged daughter and recovering addict, inadvertently unleashes a centuries-old curse by acquiring a mysterious and alluring black chain that empowers Flay, a faceless killer who drags his victims to the netherworld and returns their dead bodies to the world seemingly unharmed…

“There is a tense sense of mystery to the events that unfold in Pham’s production. This is a constant source of exhilaration. Though Daley’s confidently paced script utilizes some formulaic elements in its construction, this former stated attribute helps elevate the movie far beyond the general expectations of the genre.” A Word of Dreams

“Chillingly suspenseful with gripping cinematography and effects that drag you into its aura. The film works you through various genres and has you reeling for more. Quite an impressive attempt at something different whilst also in keeping with traditional horror core values.” Back to the Movies

Flay will not entertain you. With no real action, basic characters, average camera work, and a sub-par plot, it doesn’t take any risks to elevate itself above the sum of its parts. The only people I can imagine getting excited while watching it are Slender Man fetishists.” Dread Central

…Flay will hold your interest for a bit and it might be worth a bowl of popcorn. However, be warned: the end result here is neither laughably bad nor eerily spooktastic, but rather a movie that simply exists; yet another offering in an already oversaturated world of snooze.” Cryptic Rock

” …I don’t believe anyone involved had anything other than sincere intentions of making a worthwhile supernatural spooker.  But Flay puts nearly no professional polish on anything. It isn’t engaging. It isn’t credible. The mild mix of Slender Man with The Ring with a Native American backdrop makes no practical sense.” Culture Crypt

” …what’s nice (and unusual) about Flay is it also spends time with its characters, treats them like more than mere cannon fodder (to the point where it’s impossible to guess who dies, who survives), gives them character arcs and conflict that would also work outside a slasher framework. And that said, the film’s still tense and suspenseful and violent in all the right places, to make this one cool genre entertainment.” Search My Trash

“There’s a lot of jump scare music and scenes and the shaman looks like Slenderman. The pacing of the plot and the editing is a little bit off. It’s like there’s uncertainty about how to end a scene, so they immediately cut into the next scene. The teenagers in this movie might make you get very angry.” Red Carpet Crash



“Sins of the past often go unforgiven. Some sins even call for retribution. Flay (2017) successfully expands on an urban legend while also incorporating the plight of indigenous people. The combination of these two elements makes for some compelling storytelling.” Indie Horror Online

Flay isn’t a great movie, but it’s an interesting idea and director Pham has fun playing with camera angles and not relying on too many jump scares. He frames the antagonist in the background of certain shots or he puts part of them in the foreground to add tension. It’s an effective technique and it’s refreshing to see someone not just relying on a cheap jump scare.” Flickering Myth

The direction by Eric Pham (who did visual effects for Grindhouse and Sin City) is either workmanlike or confusing, and there is some obvious objectification of the female actors that left me a little cold. The script by Matthew Daley needs a lot of work in terms of clarity and follow through.” The Movie Waffler

” …a passable enough way to kill an hour and a half – but we really should demand more, even from disposable fare like this. Still, credit where it’s due, the film’s use of digital FX is more impressive than we typically see at this level; this, I think it’s fair to say, is the director’s real area of expertise, and on this evidence, I wonder if he’d be better off sticking to that.” Warped Perspective

“The last 30 minutes makes up for the ho-hum first part. The special effects and surreal imagery at the end was well done for a low budget feature, I was quite impressed. While the plot is not going to offer much in the way of the CreepyPasta in which this movie clearly was influenced, it does add an element to the mythos that solidifies it has “homegrown horror”. Tennessee Horror

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