THE EXORCISM Russell Crowe battles demons – now with a trailer!



The Exorcism is a 2024 horror film about a troubled actor who begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural movie. The movie was previously titled The Georgetown Project.

Written and directed by M.A. Fortin (The Final Girls) and Joshua John Miller. Produced by Bill Block, Ben Fast and Kevin Williamson (Sick; Scream).

The Miramax production stars Russell Crowe (The Pope’s Exorcist; Thor: Love and Thunder; Unhinged; The Mummy), Sam Worthington, Chloe Bailey (Praise This), Adam Goldberg (The Equalizer) and David Hyde Pierce (Frasier series).


Anthony Miller (Russell Crowe) is a troubled actor who begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural horror film. His estranged daughter (Ryan Simpkins) wonders if he’s slipping back into his past addictions or if there’s something more sinister at play…


Vertical will release The Exorcism theatrically in the US on June 7, 2024, with a Shudder release later in the year.


Wilmington, North Carolina, between November and December… back in 2019. Uh oh.


THE POPE’S EXORCIST Reviews of Russell Crowe horror

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