LAST RADIO CALL Found footage horror – reviews and free on Roku, Tubi, Vudu and YouTube



‘Some mysteries should stay unsolved’
Last Radio Call is a 2022 found footage horror film about the wife of a missing cop trying to discover what happened to him.

Written, directed and edited by Isaac Rodriguez (Mister CreepTales from Los MuertosA Town Full of Ghosts; Deadware; Jurassic Tale), based on his own short film The Cop Cam. Produced by Cynthia Bergen and Isaac Rodriguez.

The No Sleep Films production stars Sarah Froelich (A Town Full of Ghosts; Deadware), Jason Scarbrough, June Griffin Garcia, Ali Alkhafaji and Keekee Suki.


On July 18th, 2018, Officer David Serling (Jason Scarbrough) went missing inside the abandoned Yorktown Memorial Hospital.


A year later, his wife Sarah (Sarah Froelich) has hired a film crew to help bring light on what really happened that night. Using recovered body cam footage, she discovers a dark secret that sends her spiralling down a horrific path to an ancient evil. She must now face an unknown terror to find the answers she desperately seeks…

” …this has some decent camera work and build to its scares. It’s an intriguing concept and while I think it would have been better as a narrative film, if you’re a fan of movies like this, you’ll definitely find something to enjoy here.” B&S About Movies

” …coming in about the 75-minute mark, the audience may be expecting something short, sweet and effective. However, this, unfortunately, doesn’t explain why there are so many extended scenes of silence where a character is usually walking along a corridor waiting for a jump scare […] Not one of the high notes of the found footage genre and may even send some people to sleep despite how little time is spent with the characters.” Battle Royale with Cheese

“Performances from the key cast give their best. Some of the additional side pieces like newsreaders and witnesses undo some of the better moments. Overall, I liked Last Radio Call, but I didn’t love it. It has some great slightly unnerving scenes that make it watchable but sadly not memorable.” 3/5 Mother of Movies

“It is a shame that the film can’t sustain the palpable paranoia of the first section and although the move to add more to it is commendable, it complicates without deepening either the scare factor or the connection to the characters.” 3/5 Scared Sheepless

” …Last Radio Call moves along at a pretty good pace, so I never felt like it was dragging. Sarah moves from one clue to the next fairly quickly, and there are some genuinely intriguing moments […] However, there are also just as many bland cliches that we’ve all seen a million times before. In particular, the third act goes all-in on the horror, and it has a very “been there, done that” kind of feel to it.” Horror Obsessive

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