SUPER HOT Pizza ‘n’ vampires – reviews and free on Plex, Prime, Tubi, Vudu and YouTube



Super Hot is a 2021 comedy horror film about a pizza delivery girl who discovers her neighbour is moving into a sorority house of vampires. It’s a race against the clock to stop her crush from being sacrificed at midnight…

Written and directed by Taylor King (Morbid; My Alien Girlfriend 2; Devil’s Island),

The New Zealand Son Films production stars Kandace Kale, Elijah Cooke, Coleson Berlin, Sierra Michelle (Reap) and Nobuaki Shimamoto (Nekrotronic; Hacksaw Ridge).


“The low-budget does show through – the vampire killings take place off-screen and there is a very wimpy explosion of a whole bandolier of grenades. Nevertheless, it is a likeable film in its second half at least where it develops some good comedic energy.” Moria ★★

“If you like this sort of concept, I highly recommend the more visceral and horrifying movie Pledge and the better-executed horror-comedy screenplay of Satanic Panic. In the end, the film has earned a nod and a shrug. It’s cute, quirky, and the interplay between the friends is great, but as a horror film it is decidedly pretty lightweight.” The Scariest Things ★★½

“The film plods along. I never got a sense of excitement through its length. Sat with the sorority vampires, for instance, Jackie should have been oblivious but we should have had a palpable tension building, instead, it feels pedestrian – a none event even. The acting builds into that generally, nothing switching the dial-up…” Taliesin Meets the Vampires

For YouTube reviews, the trailer, the film free on YouTube and more info please visit page 2

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