FRANKENSTEIN CREATED BIKERS (2016) Reviews and overview



Frankenstein Created Bikers is a 2016 American exploitation horror film written and directed by James Bickert and is a sequel to his Dear God No! (2011).

The movie stars Jett Bryant, Laurence R. Harvey (Human Centipede II and III), Tristan Risk (American Mary), Madeline Brumby (Spring Break Zombie Massacre), Ellie Church (Harvest Lake) and Allison Maier (Space Babes from Outer Space).


The story focuses on the re-animation of the South’s most notorious biker gang – The Impalers. Dr Marco and his assistant are performing gruesome experiments in their asylum lab and have resurrected the thrill-kill Motorcycle Club to capture a Bigfoot containing a pathogen that will allow them to perform a human head transplant.

When news of the gang resurrection draws the attention of bounty hunters, law enforcement and rival gangs, the lofty aspirations of these mad scientist starts to spiral out of control.

Things get even worse for the occupants when past failed- experiments escape from the basement and the lab is attacked by a bomb-happy femme fatale named Val…

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“Jett Bryant returns as the leader of The Impalers and holds his own in a film full of great actors. His natural charm and charisma plays out well, giving the audience a guy to get behind. As polished as this film is they never lose sight at what it is, it is a sleazy biker flick with greasy dudes and naked chicks with machine guns.” Mondo McLaren

“While not as quite as graphic as its predecessor, it surpasses it in fun. This film is beyond batshit crazy. The dialogue is hilariously vulgar. The gore is off the charts. Watch and bear witness to several brutal Bigfoot attacks, a shit ton of shootouts, severed limbs, crushed heads, knives through heads, heads ripped from bodies, bodies ripped in half, exploding heads and more.” Pop Horror

“Of course, this film isn’t made for those easily offended. It’s made for the midnight crowd where anything and everything goes […] The FX from Cory Poucher and Blake Myers, along with additional work by Marcus Koch and Shane Morton is pretty great at times — there are buckets of blood galore, decapitations, and the undead biker gang is a cool concept.” Screen Anarchy

” …it’s a breath of fresh air to finally watch a beautifully framed and filmed genre movie from a filmmaker and crew that truly care about and love genre films and the brutal process it entails. You can tell that everyone from the director to the PA gave 100% on this venture and it does not disappoint.” Terror Time

“For the makers of this movie, exploitation grindhouse is about any and all nonsensical and crazy plot elements as long as they serve to bring on more extreme scenes of gore and nastiness, campy over-the-top characters, and plenty of gratuitous nudity. If you agree with this summary, then this movie is for you. If you’re a real grindhouse fan, however, the lack of an actual plot and real character will get in the way.” The Worldwide Celluloid Massacre


The film was released by Big World Pictures as a limited edition Blu-ray + DVD combo (1,000 copies only) on March 21, 2017.

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