I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE Reviews and free on Tubi, Vudu and YouTube



I Know You’re in There is a 2016 supernatural horror film about two siblings who travel to their dead mother’s home.

The movie was written, produced and directed by Robert Lawson Gordon, making his feature debut.

The movie stars Mindee de Lacey, Will Hurst and Karin Lee.

When his mother takes her own life, Tom Redding discovers he has a long-lost sister who cannot move or talk. Together they travel to their dead mother’s isolated home where Tom hopes to document his sister’s illness, only to be driven to the brink of madness by a supernatural evil…


“The scares may not bother hardened Horror vets, but it does succeed at being eerie and tense thanks to its audio and lighting work. The acting is fine, with everyone meeting their roles’ demands with little issue. Christopher Gosch’s cinematography also looks nice, making the wild around Mount Shasta look cold and haunting.” Cryptic Rock

“There is a supernatural element to the film but this is hardly explored outside of the story of the mountains having some kind of native American significance. There is also a sense of The Shining in a certain scene of the film but you will have to watch the movie to see what that is.” Horror Screams Video Vault


“The cinematography, quite often with the juxtaposition of Tom’s documentary footage, and comparatively well played parts by Mindee de Lacey and Grainne McDermott respectively are the only things that deserve some appreciation. The rest is half-pie.” Leaky Loonage

“McDermott is very creepy and most the scenes involving her aside from the camera glitch style of editing are effective. The soundtrack, coupled with the isolated environment lead to a great deal of atmosphere, if only this had had the confidence to stand on it’s own and not try to be The Shining 2016 edition it could have been something really special…” The Rotting Zombie

“The end of the film features a decent twist and the viewer remains engaged with the storyline, but if you cannot stomach the lead actor, this film will be a tough watch.” Wicked Channel


” …a nice little film that may not blow you away in any one area but it manages to hit its marks into an entertaining movie. McDermott’s first half, silent role gives us an intriguing character that transfers throughout the film. In a sea of horror movie covers, I Know You’re In There is a slow-paced, horror, thriller that shows how to do low-budget horror filmmaking correctly, even in a partially first-person film.” Without Your Head

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