KILLER BEES C. Thomas Howell – free to watch online in HD



‘These bees have a deadly sting!’
Killer Bees is a 2002 American creature film about a small rural town faced with a swarm of deadly angry insects.

Directed by Penelope Buitenhuis from a screenplay written by Dana Stone.

The movie stars C. Thomas Howell, Tracy Nelson, Fiona Loewi, Noel Fisher, Emily Tennant, Doug Abrahams, Tom Heaton, Christopher Lovick and Michael P. Northey.

Sheriff Lyndon Harris of a rural Washington town tries hard to smoothen life for his people, while shark mayor Ditwaller is out to acquire property after bank foreclosures. Lyndon also has an ex who presses for divorce and two kids, who need his help, especially son Dylan, who is easily lead astray by champion imp Jared Wylie. After noticing a Mexican truck with bee hives and several unusually aggressive bee attacks, Lyndon take doc’s advice to consult entomologist Riley Muir, who concludes it’s the northernmost-ever case of Latin American killer bees. Despite more bee attacks, the mayor refuses safety precautions, giving sole priority to closing a deal with a distributing company at the honey festival (from IMDb).


Full film free to watch online:

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