LAZARETH Isolation thriller with Ashley Judd – trailer and release news



‘Lazareth must be protected at all costs’
Lazareth is a 2024 American thriller about an aunt whose mission is to protect her orphaned nieces from the outside world

Alec Tibaldi wrote and directed Lazareth. The movie stars Ashley Judd, Katie Douglas, Asher Angel, Sarah Pidgeon, Christine Uhebe and Edward Balaban.

Following the death of their parents, Lee (Ashley Judd) adopts her nieces, Imogen (Katie Douglas) and Maeve (Sarah Pidgeon), and raises them in a remote isolated cabin as a deadly pandemic rages on around them. For over ten years, the girls are raised to never leave the woods, avoid all interaction with outsiders, and ultimately rely on Lee as their only connection to the outside world.


Lee has convinced the girls this is the key to survival in an infectious and violent world. However, when Imogen and Maeve discover an injured man in the nearby woods, Lee’s absolute control begins to disintegrate as their faith in her, and everything they have ever known begins to unravel…


Vertical will release Lazareth theatrically in select US locations and on VOD on May 10, 2024.



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