INFERNAL Heavy metal satanic horror from Hell – trailer



‘Sell your soul for rock and roll’
INfernal is a 2024 supernatural horror film about four heavy metal fans who make a Faustian bargain with Satan. The movie promises to deliver a “unique blend of horror, metal music, and monstrous mayhem that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.”

The movie was written and directed by Eric Mathis.

The Grime House Films-Teer/Mathis Productions film stars Courtney Gains (Children of the Corn), Pancho Moler (31; 3 from Hell), Sky Elobar (The Greasy Strangler) and Mark Torgl (The Toxic Avenger) with Clint Hummel as The Devil himself.

In a forsaken, dilapidated town, four inseparable friends long for a brighter future and unwittingly forge a sinister bargain with the Devil to transform their destinies. This ill-fated agreement leads to a fiendish pact where they must relinquish their souls in return for their most profound desires.

When the friends resist, the Devil presents them with an impossible task: unravel an enigmatic riddle within a mere 24 hours or endure eternal damnation. As the friends race against time to decipher the puzzle, they soon discover that the devil has even more nefarious schemes in store. One among them is compelled to commit an unspeakable atrocity, turning the others into the living dead, whilst malevolent forces are unleashed to thwart the friends from solving the riddle.

Desperate to preserve their souls, the friends journey through their demon-infested town, now besieged by supernatural terrors, in search of the elusive answer. Along the way, they unearth the secret to vanquishing the devil: a heavy metal record executive holds the key, and they must locate him before the sands of time run out and their souls are irretrievably lost…


Eric Mathis explained: “I really wanted this film to be different and unlike anything else people are making right now. I wanted to combine heavy metal and horror but also have a great story with awesome characters that were well-developed and that you actually care about. The film is almost like an over-the-top adventure like The Goonies with all of the elements of horror and some outrageous comedy that I really think audiences are going to like. It is not just another low-budget indie film, the production value, the acting, the special FX, and the story are really pro-level and elevated. INfernal really looks and plays like we spent ten times what we actually spent on this. We are all very proud of what we accomplished.”


Mathis added: “INfernal stands out with its jaw-dropping special effects, crafted by the legendary Joe Castro, known for his groundbreaking work in indie horror.”

Principal production is completed and the filmmakers are raising finishing funds. At the time of writing, they have achieved 67% of their $10,000 flexible goal. Visit their Indiegogo campaign

Indiegogo trailer:



Initial source: Bloody Disgusting

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