PSYCHO KILLER Georgina Campbell, Logan Miller horror thriller

Georgina Campbell in Barbarian

Psycho Killer is a 2024 horror thriller in which a female police officer tracks a killer after her husband, a highway patrolman, becomes one of his victims.

Directed by Gavin Polone (producer of movies such as Stir of Echoes, Panic Room, Primeval and Zombieland) from a screenplay by Andrew Kevin Walker (Brainscan; Se7en; Sleepy Hollow; The Wolfman).

The Constantin Film-New Regency Productions-Vertigo Entertainment co-production stars Georgina Campbell (Barbarian), Logan Miller (Escape Room franchise), James Preston Rogers, David Tomlinson, Josh Strait, John B. Lowe, Cassandra Ebner, Yan Joseph, Sydney Sabiston, Cindy Myskiw, Stephen Adekolu, Robert Nahum, Michael Strickland and Aaron Merke.

Jane Thorne (Georgina Campbell) is a police officer who makes it her mission to take down a serial killer referred to by the media as the ‘Satanic Slasher,’ following the brutal murder of her state trooper husband…

Psycho Killer is currently in post-production. Meanwhile, the MPA has rated the movie ‘R’ for “strong bloody violence, strong sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language.” Sounds good to us!

Coming soon

Countries of origin:

Filming locations:
Michigan, USA
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Film facts:
The project was in development for over a decade, with Andrew Kevin Walker’s original script written in 2007.

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