SILENCE OF THE PREY A flesh-eating family! Trailer and release news



‘You’re not welcome here’
Silence of the Prey is a 2024 horror film about an immigrant mother who takes a caretaking job and soon regrets it.

The movie was written and directed by Karyna Kudzina and Michael Vaynberg. The former stars alongside Monte Bezell, Chris LaPanta, Michael Doyle, Lorianna Izrailova, Rebecca Packer and Tim Shelburne.

Nina (Karyna Kudzina), an undocumented Belarusian immigrant mother has taken a caretaker job so that she and her daughter, Isabella, can have a future in America, at the rural home of an eccentric old man named Luther (Chris LaPanta).


Luther and the area itself at first seem to be a picture-perfect idyll of rural America, however, it becomes readily apparent that something far darker is lurking under the surface and mother and daughter are next on the menu…




Silence of the Prey will be released on VOD by The Horror Collective on May 15, 2024.


Original title:

$300,000 (estimated)

Suggested trustworthy reviews:
Addicted to Media
Film Carnage
Movie Reviews 101
My Bloody Reviews

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