SNIPER CORPSE (2018) Reviews and overview


‘Deadly, trained killers… but no one told them they were dead!’

Sniper Corpse is a 2018 British science fiction horror film written and directed by Keith R. Robinson (SilverHide). The Other Dimension Films production stars Tony Eccles, Gareth Gower, Kit Smith, and Jordan Murphy. Howy Bratherton provided the voice of the titular resurrected soldier.


Unscrupulous politicians have secretly been resurrecting British soldiers killed in combat to use them for top secret missions. However, the widow of one of the undead soldiers is determined to uncover the truth behind the conspiracy.

One of the resurrected soldiers offers to help her uncover the truth on the condition that he is given a proper burial, which has disastrous consequences for everyone involved…


“Robinson made all the right decisions to avoid Sniper Corpse becoming just another ho-hum, low budget zombie flick. All in all, Sniper Corpse exceeded all the expectations I had for the film. Even though I would’ve liked to have seen a bit more in terms of action, the film’s delightfully cheesy, B-grade aesthetic more than makes up for it.” Crypt Teaze

” …the heart of the story just doesn’t feel meaty enough to justify the 80-minute running time. It feels a little repetitive in its attempts to wake up the soldiers as well as retreading the same plot without it developing any further. Its dedication to gore will please many but part of me feels the movie itself would be tighter as a shorter film…” Horror Cult Films

“If you come into this thing expecting a masterpiece of some sort, then you’re bound to walk away from it with your head shaking somewhat vigorously, but if you’re willing to give Sniper Corpse a chance to impress you — both for what it is as well as how much more it is than it could be […] then it’s sure to do so.” Trash Film Guru

“There is a fair amount of action, but there’s also longish stretches between some of them. They’re fairly well done, with effects that are a mix of practical and some bad CGI. Especially the helicopter that looks like it flew in from an early Playstation game. It’s no classic, but Sniper Corpse is an engaging film…” Voices from the Balcony

Filming locations:

Kent, England

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