PATIENT SEVEN Horror anthology – reviews and free on Tubi, Vudu and YouTube



‘Try to remain calm.’
screen-shot-2016-10-23-at-20-44-22Patient Seven is a 2016 horror anthology film that intertwines seven short films from around the world with a wraparound story set in a mental institution in the USA.

The American linking footage was directed by Danny Draven (Ghost Month; Reel Evil; Dark Walker; DeathBed) from a script by Barry Jay Stich (The Chosen) for production company Terror Films.

The overall plot recalls the 1972 British Amicus anthology film Asylum.

The short films are by:

Nicholas Peterson (‘The Visitant’)

Paul Davis (‘The Body’)

Ómar Örn Hauksson (‘Undying Love’)

Dean Hewison (‘The Sleeping Plot’)

Erlingur Thoroddsen (‘Banishing’; Child Eater)

Joel Morgan (‘Death Scenes’),

Johannes Persson and Rasmus Wassberg (‘Evaded’)


The movie stars Michael Ironside (The Vagrant; Visiting Hours; American Nightmare), Jack Plotnick (Suburban Gothic; Rubber), Grace Van Dien (Aaah Roach!), Danielle Kotch, Sirry Jons, Rane Jameson, William Mark McCullough, Drew Fonteiro (Aaah Roach!) Anna Rose Moore, Daniel Lench, Amanda Graeff.

Doctor Marcus (Michael Ironside), a renowned psychiatrist, has selected six severe mentally ill and dangerous patients from the Spring Valley Mental Hospital, to interview as part of the research for his new book.


As Doctor Marcus interviews each patient, one by one the horrors they have committed begin to unfold. However, he soon learns that there is one patient who has been kept from him by the hospital’s administrator, Doctor Vincent (Jack Plotnick)…

“I found myself willing the “filler” to get off the screen so that we could move along to the next story. There is something for everyone here. Patient Seven has demons, ghost, zombies, vampires, and good ole psychopaths. If you like horror and good filmmaking, then this one is for you.” Modern Horrors

“The concept and stories of Patient Seven are truly enjoyable; however the lack of mystique and the transparency of the plot give up the ghost much too soon. The segments are presented in a repetitive, tiring formation, although the segments themselves are everything but. I can confidently say that each of the patients’ stories were unique and fully engaging.” Truly Disturbing


“Of the horror anthologies cobbled together from disparate short films that seem to be arriving with increased frequency, Patient Seven is one of the better ones. Of course, not all of the shorts will be to everyone’s tastes, but there isn’t an indisputable stinker in the lot.  At least these feature recognizable faces, varied locations, and genuine production value.” Culture Crypt

“Along with all the different stories, came different directors which each provided their own sense and style. No one is better than another. The quality of each story in Patient Seven is superb while individually the directors’ creativity was able to shine through. Their choice of camera work and locations are stand out elements in each story.” We Are Indie Horror


Patient Seven is a competent production. The acting, from Michael Ironside, and others is consistently believable. Many of the shorts are well-written, especially “The Body.” There are a number of writing twists. And, the film’s wraparound breaks up some of the film’s reality … Some of the shorts wear their influences on their sleeves and proudly, while others are more original and never-before-seen.” 28 Days Later Analysis

“Nine directors are assembled here to piece together a pretty solid and fun anthology film. While these filmmakers may not be among the best (yet), Patient Seven is still one of the better anthology films of the last few years that I’ve seen.” Brutal as Hell


“In general, I didn’t find any of the segments to be bad. Some just had more relevance than others. Also, I loved the Nordic twist on several of them – both Icelandic and Swedish being spoken quite a bit. And then there are a few really good horror short films among the segments, so be sure to watch this one.” Heaven of Horror

“This film was problematic, but it had some decent moments as well. Amy Smart as one of the patients was very good. Michael Ironside as the good doctor was a really good coup for this film. If you are a horror fan, this could be a coin toss. There are moments you will like, but the payoff to those moments is not so fulfilling. I will say, the doctor and patient interaction was eerie and created a very tense environment.”  Wicked Channel

MOVIES and MANIA rating:

For the teaser, trailer, the movie free on YouTube and technical specs please visit page 2


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