TAXIDERMIA (2006) Reviews and overview


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Taxidermia is a 2006 Hungarian comedy-drama horror film directed by György Pálfi and starring Csaba Czene and Gergely Trócsányi. It is based on short stories by Lajos Parti Nagy. The film is a metaphorical socio-political retelling of Hungary’s history from the Second World War to the present day.


The story is told by means of three generations of men from Hungary, beginning with a military orderly during the Second World War, moving on to an aspiring speed-eater during the Cold War, and concluding with a taxidermist during modern times.



” …for those who can get past the fact that almost every frame is bursting with queasy imagery, the film actually works on an intellectual as well as visceral level, and shows a bleakly funny and thoughtful contemplation of the human animal.” Beyond Hollywood

“I have zero idea what the point of this movie is, but there isn’t a story, all of the characters are repulsive and even though a lot of critics seem to think that it’s visually stunning I didn’t. I found the entire thing pointless and boring. I kept waiting for the story to start, then after like 20 minutes I started to realize that there isn’t one.” Happyotter

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