THE BAD NUN (2018) Reviews and free to watch online


‘Time to repent’
The Bad Nun is a 2018 British horror film written and directed by Scott Jeffrey (writer of The House on Elm LakeUnhinged; Fox Trap). Also known as The Satanic Nun

The Proportion Productions movie stars Becca Hirani, Lucy Chappell (Mayhem), Tiffany-Ellen Robinson  (The Test; Mummy Reborn; Curse of the Scarecrow), Cassandra French, Patsy Prince, Chris Kaye, Cassandra French, Georgia Wood, Thomas Mailand, Bryson Dekker and Mika Hockman.

Followed by Bad Nun: Deadly Vows (2020).

Aesha (Becca Hirani) goes to stay at an isolated former convent turned bed and breakfast in Kent for some much-needed relaxation.

Aesha is visited by a nun (Cassandra French) at the door who progressively begins to show her true colours as the night unfolds. As the nun continues to bother Aesha, the latter begins to question her surroundings…

” …scenes of Aesha talking through the front door are the tense, uncomfortable heart of the film. The distinctly wobbly story (and some frustrating continuity errors) are ameliorated by good photography and sound and Lee Olivier-Hall’s tense score.” British Horror Revival

“Scary films do not always have to be over the top in order to instil fear in the viewer. Often times, the subtlest ideas can chill to the bone. Religion can be scary. Being alone and cut off from the world has the potential to be frightening. It is the carefully laid depth The Bad Nun possesses that makes it an impactful film.” Cryptic Rock

” …The Bad Nun aesthetically looks and plays a lot like one of that quickie shot-on-digital Robert the Doll movies. By that I mean it is distinctly British, populated by a small number of unknown actors, predominantly confined to one drab location, and laboriously drawn out to a 90-minute length its slim story doesn’t come close to needing.” Culture Crypt

“A film built heavily on suspense, it does so well up until the final 20-odd minutes where it slips into a tired and generic slasher style of horror. The reveal of the nun is pretty good but after that, it’s all cat and mouse stuff that we’ve seen time and time again. It’s the only real flaw with what is a pretty good horror film.” Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life

“The focus is more on suspense than kills, so the body count is low and blood is minimal, but again, these aren’t real concerns given the nature of the material. The dialogue is fine, but the tone is serious and the writing keeps things simple and straight ahead. The score is low, but this is because the movie doesn’t have wild, out-of-control, or quotable kind of lines, rather than as a reflection of a poor script, so keep that in mind here.” Marc Fusion

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