DEMON COP (1990) Reviews and overview of one of the worst movies ever



‘He’ll read you your last rites…
Demon Cop is a 1990 American crime horror film about a probation officer who a rare disease that turns him into a killer monster. The movie is generally regarded as one of the worst ever commercially released.

Directed by Rocco Karega – his only directorial credit – from a screenplay co-written with producer, cinematographer and makeup artist Hal Miles. The movie stars Rocco Karega, Theresa Fenneaux. Ray Klein and Tony Zotta. Cameron Mitchell also appears briefly at the start and end in footage filmed by Fred Olen Ray for a different project.

When a string of unexplained murders hit Aurora Hills, the police are puzzled and without a clue as to who or what the murderer might be. A German scientist tries to warn the city about the horrifying menace.

It is soon discovered that a probation officer has contracted a rare blood disease that periodically transforms him into a demonic beast with an insatiable urge to kill. But does this discovery come too late?


“While there’s no gore, the demon make-up is quite accomplished. However, there’s just a scanty few minutes of demon screen time. Most of the movie is about trying to find the origins of the disease that causes the demon cop to become, well, a demon. Newsflash: No one cares. Not one. What we want is a demon doing what demons do best.” Bleeding Skull!

“There’s nary a moment to be found when someone isn’t stumbling over their lines or reacting poorly to the titular character’s demonic shenanigans. Granted, the script is garbage, and the dialogue they’re given to regurgitate appears to have been inspired by supermarket mystery novels and daytime soap operas, but they could’ve at least attempted to have fun with it.” Bloody Good Horror

“It’s rare that I’m at a loss for words, but Demon Cop not only leaves me speechless but also in stitches. How this is possible I have no idea. But let me simplify this as much as I can:

2 parts Troll 2 – sheer comedic awfulness
1 part Batman – voice and vigilante justice
1 part werewolves
.5 parts Philadelphia – a man’s struggle with his bloodborne affliction
.5 parts rubber cleaning gloves
Camp Movie Camp

“This film is so bad that it falls in the Ankle Biters league of incompetence where I actually want to find the people who encouraged the director, a talentless c*nt by the name of Rocco Karega, to make it. Whoever told him he could needs a thorough stomp on the bollocks. I blame them for it- he’s clearly retarded and does not know better.” Werewolves on the Moon


Cast and characters:
Rocco Karega … Edward Thurman
Cameron Mitchell … Doctor
Theresa Fenneaux … Maria Beniley
Ray Klein … Ike Logan
Tony Zotta … Brian Spence
Julia Westland … Kelly Adams
Paul Rawson … Clive

Technical details:
81 minutes

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