KING OF THE LOST ISLAND Reviews and free on YouTube



King of the Lost World is a 2005 American monster movie very loosely based on Arthur Conan Doyle’s 1912 novel The Lost World. The film was marketed with an emphasis on the briefly seen giant ape which makes it a mockbuster of the same year’s King Kong remake by Peter Jackson (it was released on DVD the day before the latter’s release on December 14th).

Directed by Leigh Scott from a screenplay co-written with Carlos De Los Rios and co-producer David Michael Latt. Also produced by David Rimawi, Sherri Strain and Rick Walker.

The Asylum production stars Bruce Boxleitner, Jeff Denton, Rhett Giles, Sarah Lieving, Christina Rosenberg, Steve Railsback, Chriss Anglin and Amanda Ward.

” …I found the film to be enthralling, original and character-driven instead of FX-heavy, though the FX present are effective. They’re not Peter-Jackson FX, but aside from that monkey-T. Rex brawl, who the fack cared? Bruce Boxleitner is viciously stoic as the passenger with a secret, and a gun, while Steve Railsback is rightfully ornery and emaciated, a convincing castaway madman…” Committed

” …the acting is surprisingly solid in comparison to much of what passes for acting in b-movies of this ilk; in particular, most of the Asylum’s recent productions. The acting certainly surpasses the film’s special effects, which range from decent to “you’ve got to be kidding me.” 2.5 out of 5, Dread Central


“Initially, this mixes Lost with The Land That Time Forgot well; unlike Jackson’s version, it wastes no time at all (the crash happens right away), and gallops on apace. However, after the best character dies and everyone else is captured by “natives”, both film and fun come to a grinding halt […] While the film finds great locations that really don’t look like Southern California, the CGI is ropey, especially the ape.” Film Blitz

” …though I didn’t particularly like this movie, it did have some charm to it […] Though we appreciate the scant running time at around 80 or so minutes, it really didn’t allow much for characterization or plot development […] Boxleitner really gave it his all. Rhett Giles and Asylum regular Jeff Denton did great work as hero dude and hero dude junior, and not only did actress Sarah Lieving manage to somehow retain her dignity [….] she also made for a spunky heroine.” Film Critics United

“The CGI effects in King are The Asylum’s best to date. The dragons look exceptional, the giant spider and scorpions are decent and, while it’s the weakest effect in the movie, the giant ape is passable because of the wise move to use quick cuts on it, rather than film it full-on. The script is good, as well, throwing in humor in all the right places and keeping the film moving without ever quite slowing down.” Horror Talk


“This movie sucks- even with a giant ape in it. The plot is dumb and barely-explained […] Why do planes crash here? […] Why are there dinosaurs, giant spiders or King freaking Kong here? It’s not another dimension or a lost island under the Earth- it’s just an island! […] There are some unintentional laughs here, but it’s not quite enough.” Mondo Bizarro

” …this film takes remarkably little cues from the King Kong lore (other than the inclusion of a giant ape, which is merely a supporting monster here) and instead spins an ok adventure yarn that’s just a bit too clichéed and somewhat overfraught with stale dialogue to really stand out, plus takes a few too many disaster movie cues, but it’s an ok watch at least.” Search My Trash

“Trying to be more than its budget allows, this isn’t a complete waste of time as the set-up works okay, the acting is generally solid (Boxleitner is the best thing here, but Jeff Denton does well also as the stories “hero”), and the direction is steady if uninspired. The problem is that the movie is just too poorly plotted and cheap looking…” The Video Graveyard


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