JOHNNY Z Reviews of action horror


Johnny Z is a 2023 released American action-horror film directed by Jonathan Straiton ( Night of Something Strange) from a screenplay co-written with Ron Bonk (Gut Pile, Satan’s Cannibal Holocaust). The movie was filmed back in 2019.

The Hurricane Bridge Entertainment movie stars Michael Merchant, Felix Cortes, Jason Delgado, David E. McMahon and Ellie Church.

“An action-horror film about a half-human, half-zombie named Johnny whose blood holds the cure to the zombie epidemic. After escaping Nordac, an experimental medical prison, Johnny comes under the guidance of a martial arts Grandmaster named Jonray. Together they embark on a journey to find a missing doctor while battling their own personal demons.” My Bloody Reviews

“Filmed in Central Virginia, this Spanish and English-speaking movie is seriously wall-to-wall fighting. It really does live up to its goal of being a direct-to-video fighting horror movie. It’s the kind of film that you can just sit back and watch the carnage. We all need that every once in a while.” B&S About Movies

“It brings an idea to the table that plays into greed and focuses on the bigger picture. Nothing in the movie feels as rounded off as it could be, which leaves plenty of questions to open a world that never feels like a threat that it should be […] a flat-action horror movie lacking the intensity of the threat.” 1 out of 5, Movie Reviews 101

“…like Blade this too is an action flick with splashes of horror to spice things up. It’s noisy, loud, colourful, and always moving, there’s never a dull moment with Johhny Z and fans of action-horror will lap up every second. Unfortunately, I was without subtitles for any of the Spanish dialogue parts but aside from that, this is undemanding six-pack entertainment.”

“The film feels crafted to show off the cast’s fight choreography, following a tradition of action cinema which has fuelled careers such as Michelle Yeoh, Jackie Chan, and Iko Uwais. This makes it disappointing how unremarkable and dull the action scenes are, more resembling middle-aged men trying to imitate their favourite samurai films to avoid talking about their feelings.” 0.5 out of 5, Nerdly

“Though it teases a refreshing blend of themes, it’s unable to truly harness them, landing in a soft spot in the crowded realm of zombie films rather than a firm foothold. For the genre devotee, Johnny Z might satisfy a niche craving, but it likely will only last for a while in memory for the more casual moviegoer.” Overly Honest Movie Reviews

In the UK, Johnny Z was released on digital by Reel 2 Reel Films on August 14, 2023.




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