RAG DOLL British horror with yet another creepy doll – trailer



Rag Doll is a 2023 British supernatural horror film about a little girl who receives an old doll as a present. Unfortunately, the doll is evil and begins to murder those around it.

The Proportion Productions movie was scripted by Ben Daly (Spiders on a Plane; Pigman; Tooth Fairy 5: Premolars; Tooth Fairy: Queen of Pain; Return of Krampus).

The movie stars Benjamin Schnau, Danielle Scott (Freddy’s Fridays; Mary Had a Little LambCinderella’s CurseWinnie the Pooh: Blood and HoneyThe Curse of Humpty DumptyDoctor Carver), Chrissie Wunna (Snake Hotel; PterodactylExorcist VengeanceDinosaur Hotel), Kelly Rian Sanson (Bad Nun 3; Dinosaur Hotel 2; The Killing Tree), Wayne Dobson (It Be An Evil Moon), Connor Powles, Junior Wunna, Scott McGlynn, Ruby Wunna and N Walters.

ITN Distribution will release Rag Doll worldwide on a date to be announced.

Currently unavailable.


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