THERE IS A MONSTER Review plus trailer and release news



There is a Monster is a 2023 American horror film in which a man is haunted and hunted by something that only he can see.

Written, directed and produced by Mike Taylor, making his film directorial debut.

The movie stars Joey Collins, Ena O’Rourke, Jesse Milliner, Marcellus Shepard, Kelly Schwartz, MerryRose Howley, Bill Thomas, Steve Teller and Tim Nicholson.

Jack (Joey Collins) is a successful photographer. One day he thinks he sees something in the shadows of his studio but blames it on the tequila he had the night before.

Another day, while getting ready for bed, he’s shocked to see something outside his bedroom window, the “monster”. A frantic search outside with his wife Carol turns up nothing. Yet later the monster hovers over him as he sleeps, and the very next day his speech isn’t quite right…

More attacks occur and he continues to blame the monster for his troubles. His wife and best friend wonder if maybe he’s losing his mind. But the damage being done to his body is very real…



There is a Monster was released by Gravitas Ventures on VOD on January 30, 2024.

Technical specs:
1 hour 22 minutes

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