BLOODFLY It’s party time for a vampire! – preview with trailer



‘She’s looking for a few friends… to kill!’
Bloodfly is a 2024 American horror film in which a group of partying teenagers unknowingly release a vampire after breaking into an abandoned building to throw a party.


Written, directed and co-produced by Richard Harlost (co-writer of The Overnight storyline). Also produced by Jody Pucello.

The Altarium Films production stars Jason Cohen, Daniel John Kearney, Jody Pucello, Michelle DiBernardo, Danielle Duke, Tyree Cobbins, Larry Coke, Stephen Robinson, Cynthia Carbucia, Andrea Gregori, Weston Young, Ndayikeze Francine, James D. Thomas, Gabrielle Eden Koenig, Tavante Conyers and Emily Jablon.



Technical specs:
1 hour 14 minutes

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