THE LAST STOP IN YUMA COUNTY Great crime thriller out on May 10th


The Last Stop in Yuma County is a 2023 crime thriller about a travelling salesman who is thrust into a dire hostage situation.

Written, directed, and edited by Francis Galluppi. It was produced by Matt O’Neill, Atif Malik and Francis Galluppi. Executive produced by James Claeys, Kyle Stroud, Jim Cummings, Brian Dahlin and Joe Heath.

The movie stars Jim Cummings (Thunder Road), Jocelin Donahue (The House of the Devil), Richard Brake (Mandy), Nicholas Logan (I Care a Lot), Faizon Love (Friday), Michael Abbott Jr (Killers of the Flower Moon), Alex Essoe (The Pope’s Exorcist), Gene Jones (No Country for Old Men), Sierra McCormick (The Vast of Night), Connor Paolo (Mystic River), Jon Proudstar (Reservation Dogs), Robin Bartlett (Inside Llewyn Davis), Barbara Crampton (Re-Animator), Sam Huntington (Detroit Rock City) and Ryan Masson (Good Girls).

In the 1980s, a travelling knife salesman is stranded and forced to wait at a rural rest stop. After the arrival of two bank robbers who are on the run after a recent heist, he suddenly finds himself in the middle of a violent hostage situation…



Released theatrically and On Digital:
May 10, 2024, by Well Go USA.


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