KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE (1988) Reviews and Steelbook 4K + Blu-ray release details



Killer Klowns from Outer Space will be released by Shout! Factory on May 14, 2024, as a Limited Edition Steelbook 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray. Special features:

4K Scan of the Original Camera Negative
In Dolby Vision (HDR-10 Compatible)
Audio Commentary with the Chiodo Brothers
HD Restoration from 4K Scan of the Original Camera Negative
The Making of Killer Klowns
Komposing Klowns
Kreating Klowns
Visual Effects with Gene Warren
Deleted Scenes
Earliest Films of the Chiodo Brothers
Easter Eggs

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Killer Klowns from Outer Space is a 1988 American comedy horror film written and directed by The Chiodo Brothers.

killer klowns from outer space titles

The movie stars Grant Cramer, Suzanne Snyder, John Allen Nelson and John Vernon. It is the only Chiodo Brothers only film – they have worked on many other projects in other roles, such as producing and visual effects.

The movie’s theme song was composed by new wave rock band The Dickies.

In the town of Crescent Cove, California, Farmer Gene Green spies a comet-like object fall to the Earth. Believing it to be Haley’s Comet he goes to find it, coming across a large circus tent-like structure he is at first amused by the sight, but he and his dog Pooh Bear are quickly killed by mysterious clown-like creatures.

Meanwhile, Mike Tobacco (Cramer) and his girlfriend Debbie Stone (Snyder) had also seen the comet and she convinces him to follow it. Coming across the same structure, they discover a massively complex interior that looks nothing like a circus tent and a room with cotton candy shaped cocoons.

Discovering the old man and a friend’s remains in the cocoons, they are nearly captured by the alien clowns who coat them with a popcorn gun as they escape before giving chase with a balloon-animal dog that comes to life…

killer klowns from outer space arrow video blu-ray

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High-definition digital transfer
Audio Commentary with the Chiodo Brothers
The Making of Killer Klowns a 20-minute featurette comprising interviews and behind-the-scenes footage
Komposing Klowns interview with composer John Massari
Visual Effects with Gene Warren Jr.
Kreating Klowns with Charles Chiodo and creature fabricator Dwight Roberts
Chiodo Brothers’ Earliest Films – a look back on the first Chiodo Brothers productions
2 Deleted Scenes with Director s Commentary
Killer Bloopers
Klown Auditions
Theatrical Trailer
Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork
Collector s booklet featuring new writing on the film

“Chiodo delivers a tightly paced film with enough hints of style to satisfy visual hounds (like me). But the directing definitely takes a back seat to the sets, the Klowns and the effects. They are the stars of this show.” Arrow in the Head

Killer Klowns from Outer Space has achieved cult status over the world and rightly so. It’s really enjoyable to watch, highly imaginative, quite funny at times and showcases some of the best clown make-up you’re ever going to see. It’s a totally unique film which is exactly what B-movies should be all about.” Daily Dead

“The Chiodos consistently keep the humor level high, even as the body count rises. Don’t expect master thespian level acting here. This a B-movie, through and through, and I think good acting would have actually ruined it. This is the type of film that needs hammy theatrics and an over-the-top delivery to really sell the concept.” Digitally Obsessed

“Cliché-ridden and hysterical absurd, the film comes with a very dark, twisted sense of humor that’s bizarrely lighthearted and animated.” High-Def Digest

“This surreal chaos is much like the trippy psychedelic horrors spotlighted in the Nightmare on Elm Street series and children are particularly susceptible to it. Here is a place where adult rules do not apply and, in actuality, adherence to them will get you killed. I suspect there are even some older folks out there who may laugh along with the films outrageousness but secretly get a chill in particular scenes.” Kindertrauma

“The clown designs are extremely effective, ranging from a baby dwarf clown to snapping, fanged clown heads attached to snakes; likewise, the ingenious use of typical clown props like cream pies to deadly ends lifts this film well above your average B-movie quickie. Then of course there’s the classic biker scene, a show stopper in its own right, and a playful score highlighted by The Dickies’ insanely catchy theme song…” Mondo Digital

“The design of the gadgets has a witty garishness and there are some natty trick effects – the scene where bigoted sheriff John Vernon is turned into a ventriloquist’s doll being one particularly ghoulish effect […] The idea fails as parody because all the film becomes is a formulaic run through of genre clichés with a novelty insert.” Moria

“It’s a one-gag movie, but while some of the iterations of that gag are about as hilarious as a squirt in the face from a plastic flower, a few are genuinely rib-tickling: a clown makes a balloon-animal dog… then lets it loose to hunt down a pair of escaping teens; later, a hapless victim is turned into a hissing pile of melted flesh and bone by a barrage of corrosive custard pies.” SFX Magazine

“Having a film full of evil clowns is a good idea, but not enough happens here to justify a whole eighty-five minutes worth of mayhem. Perhaps they should have toned down the tired eighties horror comedy and gone for straight horror (see unfunny the comic relief brothers). Still, it does have a certain, um, integrity in its bizarre logic.” The Spinning Image

” …it does come with a generally inspired premise and, most importantly, a pop-educated knowledge of 1950s B-flicks and creature-on-the-loose features. Thanks to a creative script from the Chiodo brothers, Killer Klowns fully utilizes every angle of its kooky, under-the-big-top storyline. So kudos to them.” The Terror Trap

Killer Klowns is to the 80s what The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) was to the 70s. The ‘tacky’ effects and the OTT acting style is purposeful and all a part of the parody. In the midst of the fun, however, there is enough to keep those in search of some genuine scares satisfied. The simple fact that the clowns never speak is eerily chilling.” UK Horror Scene

“Considering the low budget for the movie, the art direction and production design are fairly imaginative. If only the acting were a bit more top-notch. Anyway, with veteran character actors like Royal Dano and John Vernon, the other so-so actors were buffered a little.” Zombos’ Closet of Horror


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