SHE CAME BACK Near-death experience horror – trailer



‘A mother’s love never dies’
She Came Back is a 2024 horror film in which a young woman is haunted by her deceased mother after a near-death experience.

Directed by actress turned filmmaker Megan Follows from a screenplay by Chris John and Christina Vegas.

The Red Hill Entertainment-Ideal Entertainment-16-11 Films production stars Amybeth McNulty, Laura Vandervoort, Kris Holden-Ried, Megan Follows, Athena Karkanis, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Colm Feore, Dean Armstrong, Sharon Canovas, Michael Brown, Matt Raymond, Kayla Hutton, Dana Abraham, Elle Ryann Mcadam and Charlotte Tavares.

On the way to her father’s wedding, sixteen-year-old Charlie McLeod (Amybeth McNulty) is involved in a serious car accident, leaving her in a fight for her life. For a brief moment, she dies on the table and has a near-death experience, where she reconnects with her deceased mother, Claire.


Charlie ultimately survives but Claire’s spirit is so moved by the re-connection with her daughter, she has no intention of letting go. She believes that Charlie was supposed to die and now insists Charlie join her in the afterlife…


TriCoast Worldwide has released She Came Back on VOD platforms such as Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Dark Matter TV.



The movie was shot as Maternal during the early days of the pandemic and consequently took a long while in post-production.

Filming locations:
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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