WICKED WITCHES (2018) Reviews and overview


‘A harvest for evil’
Wicked Witches is a 2018 British supernatural horror film about a young man who becomes possessed by a group of demonic witches…

Directed by Martin J Pickering from a screenplay co-written with Mark Pickering.

The movie stars Duncan Casey, Justin Marosa, Kitt Proudfoot, Samantha Schnitzler and Jasmin Clark.

After being thrown out of his home by his wife for being promiscuous, Mark finds himself back at Dumpling Farm, a place of youthful memories and parties, but things aren’t quite right.

Mark’s old buddy Ian, who has never left the place, is possessed by a group of demonic, flesh-eating witches. Using Ian and his farm, these beautiful witches honey trap Mark and his friends to consume their souls…


“The witches look dirty and slightly animalistic, but they’re far from hokey and they aren’t the offspring of bad CGI effects (which are typically used in an indie horror film). The new generation of horror fans need to discover the joys of evil witches and they need to see them just like the ones here!” Horror Society

” …seems more zombieish than witchy but if this is their take on the subject then I approve. The FX for its low budget are not that bad either and the soundtrack is quite a lively mix of different genres which goes some way to making this bearable. Due to the bad acting and terribly slow pace of this it is not something I would willingly watch again.” Horrorscreams Videovault

Cast and characters:
Duncan Casey … Mark Griffith
Justin Marosa … Ian Pickering
Kitt Proudfoot … Stevie McAllan
Samantha Schnitzler … High Priestess
Jasmin Clark … Clan Sage

Filming locations:
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

Original title:
The Witches of Dumpling Farm



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