THE LEDGE Reviews of mountain climbing thriller – trailer and a clip



‘Don’t lose your grip’
The Ledge is a 2022 thriller about a female climber trapped on the face of a mountain who has to fight off four killers… who are standing on an overhanging ledge twenty feet above her. The movie has been described as a “female-centric take on 1993’s Cliffhanger.”

Directed by Howard J. Ford (The Lockdown Hauntings; Never Let Go; The Dead 2: India; The Dead) from a screenplay written by Tom Boyle.

The Evolution Pictures-Red Pictures production stars Brittany Ashworth, Ben Lamb, Nathan Welsh, Louis Boyer, Anaïs Parello and David Wayman.

Italy, the Dolomites: A rock-climbing adventure between two female friends turns into a terrifying nightmare. After Kelly (Brittany Ashworth) captures the murder of her best friend on camera, she becomes the target of a tight-knit group of four vile male friends, with a previously shared crime coverup, who will stop at nothing to destroy the evidence and anyone in their way.


Desperate for her safety, Kelly begins a treacherous climb up a mountain cliff and her survival instincts are put to the test when she becomes trapped with the killers just twenty feet away…

The Ledge is a reasonably effective if somewhat unsubtle thriller that ticks all the current cinematic boxes about male toxicity with lines such as: “You get that bitch down Taylor!”.

On the whole, it’s well-directed by Howard J. Ford and tautly edited and once it gets past the annoyingly obnoxious male characters – whose previous crime adds villainous value to their heinous decisions – and focuses on Brittany Ashworth’s character the film develops more depth. The backstories for all characters may seem convenient plot points but without them, you just have idiot men scaling a large rock to try and kill a resourceful woman.

If you can accept the bizarre, illogical assertion that “Climbing is like chess mixed with ballet. It’s all a game. Use your mind, not your muscle.” you may appreciate the premise of The Ledge. While the notion of climbing mountains is baffling to many inert people The Ledge is undoubtedly a decent thriller for armchair and sofa enthusiasts. The scenery and cinematography are stunning which is also a bonus despite the multitude of shots that are obviously in a studio.
Adrian J Smith, MOVIES & MANIA

Other reviews:
” …some excellent cinematography, nice acting and a lot of breathtaking scenes. The Ledge will work well with the target audience of mature teens to thirties, especially those who avoid getting into the trap of thinking too far ahead. There are many surprises, but it’s the climbing and violence that should keep you on edge.” 4/5, Aced

“At its core, The Ledge is about how sh*tty toxic masculinity is and how it’s a cycle that never seems to end because bros will be bros and have each other’s backs […] This is a topic of importance and concern, but any commentary on it remains surface level here. The film does end with emphasis on one thing: This culture of hate won’t bring women down.” Daily Dead

” …if you can get through the rather awkward and contrived first act, once the chase is on The Ledge has some really decent suspense sequences, and the film only slows down when we have to go back to characters talking. But if you can put up with that and fancy a bit of tension and some amazing landscape photography then The Ledge isn’t such a bad way of spending 80 minutes.” House of Mortal Cinema

“Frankly, it really stretches credibility watching Brittany Ashworth’s Kelly shivering overnight in a t-shirt, while precariously balanced on a narrow shelf, but so be it. On the other hand, Ben Lamb just revels in creepy villainy as the obnoxious, rage-prone Joshua […] There is nothing remarkable about Tom Boyle’s script, but the execution is brisk and energetic.” J.B. Spins

The Ledge is a thriller from beginning to end that is a frightening and disturbing cat and mouse game with a mountain between them. Is it perfect? No. Are there things that sort of takes the viewer out of the story for moments here and there? Yes. Is there wording that I could have done without? Yes. I have yet to see a film that does not make me want to go ‘huuuuummmmm’.” Military Press

“There are far more terrifying, shocking and riveting survival thrillers that take far more risks, i.e. High Tension, The Descent and The Revenant. At a running time of 1 hour and 26 minutes, which feels more like 2 hours, The Ledge is tedious, vapid and, much like its dull title, unimaginative.” The NYC Movie Guru

MOVIES & MANIA rating:

Release date:
In the US, Saban Films and Paramount released The Ledge theatrically and on On-Demand on February 18th 2022.

In the UK, The Ledge was shown at FrightFest Glasgow on 12th March 2022. The film is set for release on Digital on March 14th and DVD from March 21st.


Cast and characters:
Brittany Ashworth … Kelly; Ben Lamb … Joshua aka Josh; Nathan Welsh … Reynolds; Louis Boyer … Nathan; Anaïs Parello … Sophie
David Wayman … Taylor

Technical details:
1 hour 27 minutes

US trailer:

UK trailer:

“Wanna party?” clip:

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