MAID DROID Reviews of sci-fi horror thriller on Tubi



Maid Droid is a 2023 American sci-fi horror thriller about a beautiful android that starts to malfunction in violent and fatal ways.

Directed, co-produced and edited by Rich Mallery (Sinful; Holy Terror; Wicked Game; Felines). Also produced by Louis DeStefano, Gregory Hatanaka (director of ChokeQuarantine GirlHeartbeatBody of Night) and  Chris Spinelli (Quarantine GirlHeartbeatChokeRevamped).

The CineRidge Entertainment production stars Faith West (AIMEE: The Visitor), Jose Adam Alvarez, Kylee Michael, Anthony Rainville, Chris Spinelli, Elizabeth Chang and Quentin Boyer.


Recovering from a recent break-up, Harrison’s (Jose Adam Alvarez) life changes forever when he contacts the mysterious Maid Droid agency and he meets Mako (Faith West), a beautiful android who serves his every wish.


However, soon Mako starts to learn human emotions and memories from her past surface, leading her to act out in dangerous ways…


“By writing several dimensions into his robotic lead, Mallery allows West to really shine. Her performance kept reminding me of the mermaid in Splash, a movie directly referenced and an obvious influence. The actor puts a tone of complicated emotions into her programmed responses, mainly through tiny detailed facial movements that convey contradictions to the ready-to-please attitude.” 7.5 out of 10, Film Threat

“The entire movie takes place within a suburb home that’s as equally bland as the movie’s leading man. Even for what amounts to little more than the modern equivalent of a Skinamax After Dark flick, the acting is second-rate (although the dialogue does the actors no favors) and the sex scenes aren’t enough to overcome Maid Droid‘s other shortcomings.” ★½ Razorfine

“This is a fun and kinky one.  Perhaps there’s a message we should all glean from this film…but sadly, most men will see this film and still desire a droid like Mako. See Maid Droid and be warned about what horrors the near future will bring.” Zisi Emporium for B Movies

For YouTube content, the trailer and more movie info click the page 2 link below

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