WATCHDOG Reviews of home invasion horror plus trailer



‘Be careful who you let in’
Watchdog is a 2023 home invasion horror film thriller film. After narrowly surviving a violent mugging, Travis Wilkes invites the drifter who saved him back to the isolated home where he and his girlfriend reside, not realising that he’s opened the door to a night of terror and bloody revenge.

Written and directed by L.C. Holt (Time’s Up; Spiritus).

The movie stars Felissa Rose, Mark Patton, Celeste Blandon, Wes Robinson, Chaney Morrow, Kyle Shute, Daniel John Kearney, Dennis Manning, Rudy Ledbetter, Lucas Dunaway, Jake Kopronica and Brad Goen.


“The idea of a home invasion being one where the criminal is invited into your life is a strong one. You can see how Travis got into this predicament, as any of us could have done the same. Now, the question of whether or not he and his girlfriend will survive. You’re going to have to watch the movie to learn the answer to that.” B&S About Movies

“The personalities of Travis and Anna don’t exactly give viewers sympathetic protagonists to fully get behind. Holt builds the suspense in a slower-burn approach than many other films in the home invasion horror subgenre, but Watchdog follows rather familiar beats without many surprises. Fans of the subgenre should find plenty to like here, though they will likely have seen much of it before.” Horror Fuel

“Obviously Drew, as the serial killer vet, is rather despicable and audiences will cheer for his demise, but the fact that Travis and Anna hold little emotional interest for audiences is, in part, one of the film’s biggest flaws. Come for the home invasion and stay for horror legends Felissa Rose and Mark Patton!” ★★½ The Scariest Things



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