A VAMPIRE IN THE FAMILY Comedy horror on Netflix – trailer



A Vampire in the Family is a Brazilian comedy horror film about a middle-aged man who discovers his lazy brother-in-law is a vampire.

Directed by Alê McHaddo (GadgetGang in Outer Space; O Amor Dá Trabalho; Just Short of Perfect; Deep Hatred) from a screenplay written by Paulo Cursino (Mussum: O Filmis). Produced by André Carreira.

The Camisa Listrada production stars Leandro Hassum, Romulo Arantes Neto, Monique Alfradique, Edson Celulari, Mel Maia, Maria Flor Franco, Eliezer Motta, Renata Bras and Antônio Fragoso.

Fernandinho (Leandro Hassum), a family man, former soccer player and current commentator on his garage podcast, is surprised when his younger brother-in-law Gregório (Rômulo Arantes Neto) turns up to stay.


Unfortunately, it transpires that the cocky, slacker, bloodsucking relative is a vampire! Now Fernandinho has to find the courage to play the “hero” against his sister’s partner who wants to take over the world…

A Vampire in the Family will be available for streaming on Netflix on December 24, 2023.


Original title:
Meu cunhado é um vampiro “My Brother-in-Law is a Vampire”

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