YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIE Serial killer horror thriller – preview with trailer



You’re All Gonna Die is a 2023 American horror thriller film about social justice warriors who become hunted by a serial killer.

Written, directed and co-produced by Dominic Ross (R.E.M.; R.E.M. 2). Also produced by Brynn Lucas and Amanda Mahan. Executive produced by Neal Welty.

The Deep Creek Entertainment production stars Jacquie Cardinale, Lori Petty, Richard Tyson, Martin Donovan, Sean Dillingham, Robert Rodenbach, Frank Prell and Sophia Sovek.

A young woman, Naomi (Kirsten Sanderson), finds herself alone with a tow truck driver, but instead of helping her, she becomes his next victim. This sparks a group of social justice warriors to find out who the killer is led by Ana (Jacquie Cardinale), a part-time investigator with a mysterious past. As the team searches for the killer, they are picked off one by one until it comes down to one person versus a prolific serial killer!

In the US, Indican Pictures released You’re All Gonna Die online on November 24, 2023.



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