HERE FOR BLOOD Reviews of splattery comedy horror



Here for Blood is a 2022 Canadian splatter-filled comedy horror film about two babysitters fighting off masked home invaders.

Directed and co-produced by Daniel Turres from a screenplay written by James Roberts. Also produced by Christian Turres and Jacob Windatt.

The Pageman Production stars Shawn Roberts, Maya Misaljevic, Joelle Farrow, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Michael Therriault, Kelly Penner, Samantha Helt, Marqus Bobesich, Jesse Buck, Jimmy Limb, Marc-André Boulanger, Channing Decker and Glen Michael Grant. Dee Snider’s voice is used in a cameo role.


When his girlfriend, Phoebe (Joelle Farrow), is swamped with college exams; Tom O’Bannon (Shawn Roberts), a rowdy pro-wrestler struggling to make ends meet, agrees to fill in as a last-minute replacement for her well-paying babysitting job.

Tom arrives at an isolated family home where he meets the precocious ten-year-old Grace (Maya Misaljevic). What starts off as a quiet night of pizza and video games quickly spirals into bloody, violent chaos as Tom and Grace find themselves fighting for their lives when an otherworldly cult of masked intruders descends on the home…


Here for Blood is an immensely stupid and fun as hell genre bender by way of The Evil Dead, The Purge, and They Live. While it doesn’t interrogate toxic masculinity, it does examine machismo and fragility before leaning into the “dudes rock” of it all, letting fists be the secret weapon to saving the world.” 3/5, Daily Dead

“The film is a clear homage to The Evil Dead. Even while the deaths in Here for Blood provide an awesome gorefest, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the movie put more emphasis on its impressive blood-fueled graphics than it did on its narrative but that’s ok because I really did enjoy the feeling the movie delivered…” Horror Facts


“As a very apparent homage to The Evil Dead, at the very least, it can be said that Here for Blood delivers on its title with practical gore effects by The Butcher Shop FX studio. While the film’s kills are quite satisfying, I also felt that Here for Blood dabbled a bit into style-over-substance territory with what is ultimately a bare-bones plot.” Sean Kelly on Movies

“The movie leans more into the violence and blood as opposed to going for cheap and easy jump scares common in low-budget horror. At times downright silly, the movie is as self-aware as it should be, striking an effective balance between laughing with and at the action on screen.” That Shelf


“The best part of about this film is that it actually covers a lot of different horror tropes […] There’s not a lot of films this year where you’ll get to see someone elbow drop a person’s head multiple times. But Here For Blood is exactly that kind of film. It’s a smorgasbord of laughs, scares, and everything that a horror fan loves.” Toronto City News

“Like the faulty character development, good attributes are always paired with poor directorial decisions. Take the practical effects, for instance. They’re satisfying in all their bubbly, goopy glory, but they’re applied to actors who are too over-the top to an obnoxious degree […] the story itself has interesting ideas that are hampered by tired horror tropes that are missing much-needed irony.” Wylie Writes

For YouTube reviews, the trailer and more movie info please visit page 2

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