EARTHQUAKE UNDERGROUND The Asylum’s disaster movie new on Tubi



Earthquake Underground is a 2024 disaster movie about a massive quake that submerges a hotel submerges a hotel. A young architect must overcome all odds to save his pregnant diabetic girlfriend before the structure collapses.

Directed by Brian Nowak (Bullet Train Down; Jurassic Domination; Collision Moon; Megalodon Rising) from a screenplay by M.L. Miller (Shark Waters).

The Asylum production stars Jenny Tran, Houston Rhines, Angela Cole, Joe Kurak, Lyindaa Russell, Cayla Black, Matthew Gademske, Tim Dorsey, Deaton Gabbard, Pakob Jarernpone and Mallorie Clark.

Produced by The Asylum’s Paul Bales , David Michael Latt and executive producer David Rimawi. Cinematography was handled by filmmaker Michael Su (director of Bikers vs Werewolves; Night of the TommyknockersBridge of the DoomedDeath CountDoomedMy Demon WithinThe Revolting Dead).


Earthquake Underground premiered on Tubi on April 19, 2024.

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