WINIFRED MEEKS (2020) Review of supernatural horror and free to watch online


‘He was all lost at sea. She will wait forever.’
Winifred Meeks is a 2020 Irish supernatural horror film about a female writer who discovers an unquiet spirit inhabits a remote farmhouse.

Written and directed by Jason Figgis, the October Eleven Pictures production stars Lara Belmont, co-producer John West and Julie Abbott.


Successful writer Anna James (Lara Belmont) rents a remote farmhouse in England to begin work on the latest of a series of teen crime novels, ‘The Emma Hart Mysteries’. Initially, the setting seems perfect, but soon her idyll becomes unsettled by the presence of an unquiet spirit – that of the former lady of the house, Winifred Meeks (Julie Abbott).

As Anna delves into her writing, she’s also determined to uncover the history of the property and with that, unwittingly move closer to a disturbing confrontation with the tragic figure that continues to hold sway within the walls of Seaview House…


“As well as Figgis’ direction and eye for the visuals, a large reason this works is down to Lara Belmont. She carries the film on her shoulders with very little screen time given to other the actors, who appear only on the soundtrack for the most part […] Winifred Meeks is gloriously atmospheric, and if you like your horror in the mould of the M.R. James classics, then you won’t go wrong.” Starburst

Winifred Meeks is being sold worldwide via The Movie Agency based on its “minimalism and claustrophobic atmosphere”.

Technical details:
88 minutes
Aspect ratio: 16:9 HD
Audio: Stereo


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