BEHEMOTH (2020) Reviews and now with more images and release news


‘Everything has its price’

Behemoth is a 2020 American supernatural horror film about a desperate father who will risk his soul to save his terminally ill daughter.

Directed by Peter Szewczyk – making his film debut – from a screenplay co-written with Derrick Ligas. Co-produced by Peter Szewczyk and Derrick Ligas.

The ColourBleed Entertainment production stars Josh Eisenberg (The Rideshare Killer; The Meat Puppet), Paul Statman (The Coed and the Zombie Stoner), Jennifer Churchich (Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood; Quadrant 9EV9; Interstellar Wars; The Sand), Richard Wagner (Corbin Nash) and Whitney Nielsen (Alien Expedition; Mercy Christmas; Axeman 2: Overkill; Bloodsucka Jones).


Joshua Riverton (Joshua Riverton) spent ten years working for a global chemical behemoth, notorious for its environmental negligence. When his daughter develops a mysterious illness, he steps forward as a whistle-blower, throwing his life into chaos. Joshua is convinced that the company’s negligence has made his daughter sick and that there are dark forces hiding the truth.


When given the chance to confront his old boss, Doctor Woeland (Paul Statman), he allows a standoff to escalate into violence, and Josh is shot in the process. Now Josh is on the run, eating painkillers, and holding Woeland hostage.


Josh demands answers about his daughter’s illness, but with each passing moment around Woeland, Josh’s grasp on reality begins to unravel…


Release date:

Level 33 Entertainment will release Behemoth on Digital platforms on August 27, 2021.


Cast and characters:

Josh Eisenberg … Joshua Riverton
Paul Statman … Luis Woeland
Jennifer Churchich … Keelee
Richard Wagner … Dominic
Whitney Nielsen … Amy Riverton
Vadym Krasnenko … Azello
Angela Nicholas … Ms Hellan




Behemoth begins intriguingly and soon becomes unsettling. Revealing any more about the plot would ruin the twists and reveals. Suffice to say there is some decent interplay between the leads, despite some weak acting, and a devilish conclusion.

Although the computer-generated visual effects are often merely startling rather than disturbing at least the film offers something different from the norm. It develops into something like a nightmarish bad acid trip but it’s one worth taking. There are also social and political elements that add value to the movie’s message.

MOVIES & MANIA rating:

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