BATTLE FOR PANDORA Review of The Asylum sci-fi flick



Battle for Pandora is a 2022 American sci-fi film about a US Space Force mission that encounters highly evolved beings.

Directed and photographed by Noah Luke (Attack on Titan; Thor: God of Thunder; Moon Crash; Jungle Run) from a screenplay written by Rolfe Kanefsky (writer-director of Bus Party to HellThe Black RoomThere’s Nothing Out There). Produced by Paul Bales and David Michael Latt. Executive produced by David Rimawi.

The Asylum production stars Kristos Andrews, Becca Buckalew, Richard Chiu, Drew Anthony Hernandez, Plastic Martyr, Mark Ricketson, Michael Scovotti, Nadja Sofi, Natalie Storrs and Azeem Vecchio.

Plot synopsis:
After a help signal from a research vessel makes it back to Earth, the US Space Force sends a rescue ship to Pandora, one of Saturn’s moons. However, when they try to land, they discover Pandora is inhabited by a highly evolved humanoid species…

Like most films from The Asylum, Battle for Pandora has a dialogue-heavy second act to keep the budget down. Thankfully the plot’s mix of themes from the Alien films as well as The Thing lends itself to drama as characters argue over letting potentially infected crew members back on board and how to detect who has actually been infected. It actually keeps things moving along and reasonably tense as our leads try to figure out who can be trusted.” 3.5 out of 5, Battle for Pandora


Battle for Pandora was released online on December 2, 2022.

Technical specs:
1 hour 24 minutes

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