BATHTUB SHARK ATTACK Reviews of 90s retro-style comedy horror plus trailers



Bathtub Shark Attack is a 2023 American comedy horror film designed as a parody of a 1990s shot-on-video movie.

Written, directed and co-produced by Madeline Deering. Also produced by Uno Gomazzy and Jesus ‘Fuey’ Martinez.

The movie stars Lynn Lowry, Warren Dean Fulton, Drew Marvick, Lani Sarem, Ben Dietels, Joseph Russio, Jerry Pietrala and Carly Sonafelt.




“It’s retro. The camera work and audio leave a lot to be desired, but I truly believe that’s the whole point. It’s the less polished quality that makes the nostalgia come 10x harder. It’s campy and at other times plain erotic for no reason. And I’m so, so, so, so glad the team stuck with practical special effects in lieu of a digital evil shark.” 10 out of 10, Horror Society

YouTube reviews:

Teaser trailer:

Trailer 2:

Trailer 3:

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