STREAMER Review of Korean influencer horror



‘Red for the living, blue for the dead… horror live!’
Streamer is a 2023 South Korean horror film about a broadcast jockey who disappeared when investigating an abandoned building. Streamers Mo-mo, Joon, Ta-koo, Jae-min, and Da-seul gather in the same building to discover why his seemingly ill-fated broadcast was his apparent masterpiece. Stepping into a place they shouldn’t have recklessly entered, they face a fear that is not the truth and can never escape…

Written and directed by Hyung-Mo Jang.

The Five Day-Highconcept Pictures-LWC Entertainment-Studio Fun Fun co-production stars Jun-Hyung Kim, Mo-Beom Kim, Min-Hyuk Kwon, Pu-Reum Lee and So-Young Sim.





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Technical specs:
1 hour 29 minutes

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