
Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clown is a 2023 American slasher horror film and a sequel to Camp Blood 666 (2016).

Directed and produced by Will Collazo Jr (Amityville Thanksgiving; Amityville Shark HouseNight of the ZomghoulsBloody Nun and Bloody Nun 2: The Curse) from a screenplay written by co-producer Julie Anne Prescott. Executive produced by David Sterling.

The Cult Cinema production stars Julie Anne Prescott, Niko El Santo Zavero, Clint Beaver, Kyle Rappaport, Natalie Peri, Will Collazo Jr, Mel Heflin, George Stover, Jamie Morgan, Warren Dean Fulton and Rouge Rose.

Camp Blood is under new ownership as the updated “Camp Blackwood”. Locals hope to bury the infamous clown killer’s past and release the victims from their torment.


However, when a pastor with ties to the previous grounds takes his church group out to make contact with restless spirits, wrath is all they are doomed to find. The clown killer is back, and this time he has an enemy of equal evil. His former cult followers have turned, as well as a vengeful witch, who will stop at nothing to see these titans of terror collide, and destroy anyone in their path…

“Slashing since the 90s. The popular Camp Blood film series returns. Lots of kills in this installment, with a fun mix of practical and VFX effects.” Mater Tenebraum

“With all of its downfalls, there are plenty, I enjoyed this movie a lot more than the first part. In fact, it felt like a real story to be found in the mayhem. New ideas are brought to the table and for the most part, I was all for them. Some ideas might have worked better than others but I can’t fault the movie for trying something new.” 3 out of 5, Rich Trash


“This was written by the girlie who wrote Amityville Karen and it has double the number of fans who paid for the Kickstarter in it. Newscasters and cult members and voiceovers and all this weird green-screened bullsh*t. I honestly wonder how all of these Kickstarter-funded movies are going to age because it’s insane to have so many people in your movie who clearly filmed in their own homes and had no part in actual production…” Taylor Heider

“There are Polonia and other micro budget horror actors in the cast. Jamie Morgan holds a bible for almost every scene she’s in and it blew my mind. All in all, it was a fun time! Really my only complaint is the excessive number of inserted cameos from people who donated to Kickstarter for the movie.” Tony the Terror

“While it is a big step up from the likes of Children of Camp Blood and slightly better than Camp Blood 8: Revelations it’s still not exactly a great film. But by this point, I think most horror fans know what they’re getting from these films, and by those standards, it’s not bad at all. Fans of microbudget horror, in general, will also probably have a good time with Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clown.” 3 out of 5, Voices from the Balcony


CHILDREN OF CAMP BLOOD (2020) Review of slasher sequel

CAMP BLOOD 8: REVELATIONS (2019) Reviews and overview

GHOST OF CAMP BLOOD (2018) Reviews and overview

IT KILLS: CAMP BLOOD 7 (2018) Reviews and overview

CAMP BLOOD 666 (2016) Reviews of slasher sequel

CAMP BLOOD (1999) Reviews and overview

For the teaser, trailer, cast and characters and more please visit page 2 

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