SCALPER Reviews of Chad Ferrin’s slasher sequel to Night Caller



Scalper is a 2023 American horror slasher film about a rash of mystery murders focused around a psychic. The movie is a sequel to Night Caller (2021).

Written, directed and co-produced by Chad Ferrin (Pig Killer; The Deep OnesExorcism at 60,000 FeetThe ChairSomeone’s Knocking at the DoorEaster Bunny Kill! Kill!). Also produced by Jennifer Drake, Jerry Irons, Silawn Lewis, Robert Miano, Jeff Olan and Robert Rhine. Executive produced by Susan Priver.

Everyone around psychic Clementine Carter (Susan Priver) is being brutally murdered by a masked killer dubbed ‘The Scalper.’ Is it dead psycho Andrew Lubitz back from the grave, a copycat killer or a horror beyond imagination? To solve the mystery, Clementine must use her second sight to stay one step ahead of the maniac’s blade…


For reviews of Scalper please visit these websites:
Film Threat 5 out of 10
Grimoire of Horror ★★★½
The Horror Revolution
Nerdly ★★★
Scare Value
Search My Trash
Voices from the Balcony ★★★★

YouTube reviews:

Green band trailer:

In the US, Scalper is released by Breaking Glass Pictures on VOD on January 16, 2024.


NIGHT CALLER (2021) Reviews of Chad Ferrin’s serial killer thriller

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