HE SEES YOU WHEN YOU’RE SLEEPING Caroline Williams stars in Charlie Steeds’ Xmas slasher



He Sees You When You’re Sleeping is a 2024 American slasher horror film about a serial killer who dresses as Santa Claus.

Caroline Williams (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) has joined the cast of He Sees You When You’re Sleeping, a Christmas slasher slated to be released this holiday season by The Horror Collective.

A young man’s Christmas homecoming turns into a nightmare as a killer in a Santa suit gruesomely picks off his estranged, wealthy family for their fortune.


Directed by Charlie Steeds (Gods of the Deep; FreezeThe Haunting of the Tower of LondonWerewolf CastleDeath RanchA Werewolf in EnglandVampire VirusAn English HauntingThe Barge PeopleWinterskinEscape from Cannibal Farm), who produced with Tom Malloy under his Trick Candle Productions banner. Malloy, who plays a role in the movie, has produced horror films such as #Screamers, The Attic, and The Alphabet Killer. Executive Produced by Shaked Berenson, who is known for instant cult films such as Slaxx, Big Ass Spider!, Tales of Halloween and Turbo Kid.

Williams is joined by Nicholas Vince, mostly known for his role in Hellraiser as well as David Lenik (An English Haunting), Peyton Michelle Edwards (Goodbye Honey) alongside horror veterans Lauren Marie-Taylor (Friday the 13th Part 2).

Director-producer Charlie Steeds commented: “I knew David Lenik’s campy Christmas-themed slasher would be a blast to direct. It’s set in the ’80s and we filmed on location in New York State. The script draws inspiration from horror classics such as Black Christmas, Scream and Silent Night Deadly Night which are all films I adore.

“Christmas horror films blend holiday cheer with thrilling chills, offering a fresh and exciting twist on traditional celebrations. They’re perfect for those looking to spice up their holiday viewing; commented Shaked Berenson, CEO of The Horror Collective’s partner company, Entertainment Squad.

Producer and actor Tom Malloy commented: “I loved the title and loved the script, and was excited to work with filmmaker Charlie Steeds, whose work I’ve known for years.

Christmas Eve, 1980. Chester Van Buren returns to his decaying family mansion, after having witnessed the brutal murder of his parents at the hands of an escaped mental patient, dressed in a Santa costume, seventeen years prior. He is now back to face his past trauma and spend the holidays with his dysfunctional and over-privileged relatives. It’s not long before Santa is up to his old tricks again, as a serial killer dressed as a demented Saint Nick begins to dispatch family members one by one. Has the killer returned to finish what he started or is the truth something far more terrifying, as Chester grapples with his sanity…

Coming soon

For profiles of more Charlie Steeds movies and more info please visit page 2

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