EXORCIST VENGEANCE Reviews and now free to watch on YouTube



‘God help everyone’
Exorcist Vengeance is a 2021 British-American supernatural possession horror film about a tough priest called upon to defeat a demon.

Directed by Scott Jeffrey (Rats RebornBad Nun: Deadly VowsDon’t SpeakCupidClownDoll) and Rebecca Matthews (Witches of Amityville AcademyThe Candy WitchPet Graveyard)  from a screenplay written by Matthew B.C. (Medusa: Queen of the Serpents) and Jeff Miller (The Toybox; Ouija House; Clowntown), based on the latter’s story.

Produced by Scott Jeffrey and Rebecca Matthews. Executive produced by Jeff Miller and Mark L. Lester (Poseidon Rex; Yeti; Commando; Firestarter).

The Millman Productions-Titan Global Entertainment-Proportion Productions movie stars:
Robert BronziDeath Kiss; Cry Havoc; From Hell to the West
Sarah Alexandra MarksMonster Portal; Spider in the Attic; Easter Killing)
Nicola WrightDragon FuryAmityville ScarecrowCupidDon’t Speak
Nicole NabiMedusaCannibal TrollDinosaur HotelBats
Anna LiddellTooth Fairy: The Last Extraction
Steven BerkoffRighteous Villains; Fanged Up; Octopussy
Plus Simon Furness, Anna Liddell , Ben Parsons, Elizabeth McNally, Chrissie Wunna, Michael Hoad, Faith Kiggundu, Tristan Pegg, Levi Liston and Adrienne Grant.

“In the vein of Death Wish meets The Exorcist meets Knives Out the movie centres on a tough priest (Robert Bronzi) with a troubled past who is called upon to root out a murderous demon from a household of suspects. Steven Berkoff plays a Vatican representative who may or may not have ulterior motives…”

“Production values are decent given the low budget, as are the blood and gore effects. Exorcist Vengeance isn’t scary, although it certainly manages to deliver a few gruesome shots. What it doesn’t deliver is anything we haven’t already seen a million times before […] Instead, we get a dour drama that only serves to remind us of better demonic possession flicks.” 2/4 The Aisle Seat

” …there’s no attempt to make them scary or do anything other than what’s already been seen before. If you want to try and fool your friends into thinking that Charles Bronson did indeed make a subpar Exorcist movie where he wore a cross in the same way he fired a gun then go ahead. However, if you do then you’ll be wishing that it had been done a lot better.” Battle Royale with Cheese

” …Jeffrey and Matthews have upped their directing game for this film. The pair’s CV […] has tended towards slower-paced, social drama centred fright flicks. But no more! EV is, for them anyway, non-stop action, cleverly combining possession drama with a whodunnit subplot […] this may have something to do with the presence of US producers Jeff Miller and Mark L. Lester…” Dark Eyes of London

” …this is the kind of film you can have fun with […] I watched the film with a snarky smile, I admit, but I stayed locked into the story and thought it was a good example of the thing that it is, namely a B-movie with a good cast and plentiful blood and intense scenes.” 2/4 Entertainment or Die

“The motivation for the ultimate reveal at the end of the film is somewhat unclear. It’s explained quickly and doesn’t quite land right on the audience […] Somehow watching someone do their best Charles Bronson is entertaining, and Bronzi goes past the “parody” point of it. I was expecting this movie to be craptastic, but what it ended up being was something that was dare I say, good.” 74% The Hashtag Show

” …a flaccid offering that isn’t quite sure of what it wants to be – there’s elements of Death Wish, The Exorcist and Knives Out. Instead of matching those aforementioned flicks, it falls embarrassingly short and not even the stunt casting of a Charles Bronson lookalike in the lead role can stop Exorcist Vengeance from being both tonally dull and a bit of a mess.” 2/10 My Bloody Reviews

“This surprising little shocker – as it mixes action with a whodunnit of sorts […] but truly it is the creature feature effects which take this one to a new level as the demonic drama takes over. My only complaint is that I’d love to see some more demonic @ss-kicking from Bronzi […] Thick accent and all, Bronzi definitely fills the cemented shoes needed for this backstory of a priest…” Reel Reviews

” …this movie doesn’t work just as a throwback but tells a story that’s engaging enough, the film’s directed with an eye on atmosphere, and the cast is solid, with Bronzi, even if he won’t ever be able to shake Charles Bronson comparisons, coming more and more into his own. That all results in probably not a classic, but genre fun for sure.” Search My Trash

“While it doesn’t deliver as much death and destruction as I had hoped, the kills are done with fairly good practical effects […] If you can take the cheese and turn off, or at least medicate, your brain enough that the film’s everything but the kitchen sink script doesn’t bother you, Exorcist Vengeance is certainly amusing. The scenes of Bronzi stalking through the house, flashlight in one hand, gun in the other are almost worth it by themselves.” Voices from the Balcony

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